An introduction to Jess Channing - Harriets Plants newest member
Hi everyone,
It’s been a very very long time since I’ve written a blog post, but since lots is changing over here at Harriets Plants I thought it might be best to introduce Jess to you all as we are coming together to reinforce the values behind Harriets plants and grow together in 2025. We have big dreams for the new and improved venture that we are taking on and would love your support in the coming months.
It has always been my dream to create a business that has a core belief that the environment is precious. That we are nothing without it and that we owe everything to it. This means that our focus at Harriets Plants is growing sustainably and slowly in order to nurture the plants correctly and in turn helping educate our local and wider community to grow better too.
I have decided that I can no longer do all the work that I want to do within the business on my own, not whilst I’m also trying to raise a baby. Enter Jess. I’ve known Jess for a few years now but in 2024 we really cemented our connection as Jess came on board doing ad-hoc days in the greenhouse as I made my way back to work after my ‘maternity leave’. If I can put it simply, she’s been amazing and I think I knew pretty quickly, from our conversations and our time together that we were going to do big things. We both have this need and want to do more and to create something that truly means something. A way to bring community together, whilst protecting and nurturing the local land and wider environment. We have decided to put our heads together and create something really special. A place where EVERYONE can have access to growing, to knowledge and to community within horticulture.
So here’s a little more information on Jess, from Jess, to solidify how amazing she is.
An Australian relocated many times over. I have a wandering mind and a restless imagination. I have found another human with a similar affliction and the two of us roamed around a while. Now, the ideas, knowledge and experience gained are being put to use.
A long held belief that staying in touch with natural surrounds creates harmony in life. I have developed a passion for local and collaborative conservation and preservation of the environment. This philosophy expands into my own home and how I live my day-to-day. Little changes in one human life can really impact upon an entire biosphere.
I live for quality connection. Within the community, amongst my circles and as a reciprocal exchange with nature.
I believe that through creating our own spaces where we can bring the wild back in, we can reconnect with that which has perhaps been lost or missing from our world.
I want to give others that feeling of connection again. And so I pass on to you what I can.
An avid plant grower, bird watcher, nature observer and environmental activist. I was raised amongst the Jarrah eucalypts of Australia's south west where my connection to nature was deeply founded and nourished. Since I was little, I've had a passion for conservation and hold a BSc in Conservation and Wildlife Biology.
This passion has traversed the globe with me- from turtle rehabilitation on the Great Barrier Reef, to protecting big game in a nature reserve in Botswana. I've championed plastic free campaigns in Birmingham and Cornwall and am now a member of the Pesticide Action Network to help raise awareness of the perils of pesticides upon our wildlife.
In recent years, I have turned my attention to horticulture and gained a Diploma in RHS Level 2. In particular, I'm interested in the realm of eco-horticulture/ permaculture/ wildlife gardening. It has married up the ever increasing necessity to connect with nature, whilst remaining an eco-activist. Spending time with plants is grounding and therapeutic. It is also a gift in reciprocity- we can give back by growing and nurturing the land in an ecologically mindful way.
Meeting Harriet and discovering the many parallels we share- both aspirationally and in general life- has been a wonderful new adventure! I am very honoured to be working with Harriets Plants and truly believe in everything it stands for. I can't wait to see what the growing year holds for us all!
HOW GREAT IS SHE!! + She has Bowie the collie dog. Blues new best mate.
So the next chapter of Harriets Plants is a great one. It’s one of connection, coming together and raising awareness regarding topics that we are so heavily invested in. It will involve giving back to humanitarian, community and regenerative causes and it will mean that we get to grow truly sustainable plants for your homes and gardens along side doing the real work that can create change. We are here this year to spread knowledge about the plants we grow and make a difference within grass roots horticulture. A truly transparent and environmentally aware plant nursery.
We would love your support if and when you need plants throughout the year.
We have a long term goal of creating a business that does better and shares it profits. This is where we need your help to make this happen.
Supporting Harriets Plants isn’t just about buying plants. It’s about creating conversation with your peers and spreading the word. It’s about sharing this article to make people think about what they are supporting. It’s truly about connection, knowledge and growing and we have set up a Patreon subscription service in order to help make this happen.
For as little as £2 a month you could support our work and be part of the change that you want to see in the world. You also have the option of spending £6 a month which also supports our next ventures alongside leaving you a little bit more knowldegable. You will receive a weekly plant profile via your patreon that you can read with a cup of tea and learn from our dedicated team of wonderful plants people, all whilst supporting a great cause. Topics include, Planting for the wildlife, useful houseplants, growing food and herbalism. We have 4 wonderful women that are ready to write and eager to get going. If you can support Harriets Plants in this way, we would greatly appreciate it.
Very much looking forward to this growing year.
Keep in contact,